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NES Fifth Grade
Field Trip Schedule

Here is a copy of our Field Trip Schedule for the rest of the year!
We have some exciting events planned!

April 28th: Parent-Teacher Conferences; call to make an appointment


May 20th: STOMP at the IMAC in Richmond 8:00-3:00; Pack a lunch


May 21st: P.E. Trip.  Bowling in Richmond 8:30-2:30; Lunch can be packed or bought.


May 26th: Fifth Grade Picnic for 5th grade students and staff only; 9:30- 2:30; lunch provided.


May 28th: School Fun Day


May 31st: Holiday


June 1st: Kings Dominion Field Trip; 8:00- 6:00 board buses @ 4:00 to come home


June 3rd:  Pamplin Historical Park trip; 7:30- 4:00 (tentative); Pack a lunch


June 8th: Fifth Grade Recognition Ceremony at NES; Students arrive at 6:30 and the ceremony begins @ 7:00

Some trips require permission slips.  Contact your child's teacher if you need one.