Causes of the American Revolution Project Outline:
Two-part project:
Written Part will need to be:
Two pages in length, single spaced and following the margins
Cover the topic selected completely
Explain the affectyour topic had on the American Revolution
Be written neatly or typed (1 page font 10 or 12 only)
Grammatically correct
Visual Part will need to be:
Explain or express your subject
As detailed as possible
Can be done as a model, poster, diorama, or triorama
This project is due on January 6, 2004. Student may turn in early but NONE WILL Be ACCEPTED LATE. Students not turning in a completed project will receive a zero on each part of the project. This is an opportunity for students to bring their grades up and be creative.
Students will have four school days to work on this and then will be expected ot complete the rest at home. Given class time and homework time this could easily be done before the winter break. I will be provideing lots of information in class and student may use any other resources they find for this.