Click here for more information about our Annual Science Fair. Also listed are rules and ideas for projects.
Dear Fifth Grade Parent,
We have one (1) week to go before the SOL tests. Study. Review. Go Over. Look Back.
We will be reviewing each of the SOL objectives for the fourth and fifth grades. Please check your child's journal daily to see what we are covering in class
Garfield M. Parker
Our ANNUAL SCIENCE FAIR has been scheduled for May 25. Suggestion go to
Then go to >kidzone
then >general science
then>first gov. science and math
then > Burnsen Bobs Science Hunt
then> 8th and under
Students are to go to the "Out of the Rock"
website. Click the link below and do any two activities.
Students are encouraged to go to these two websites and explore. Reading the material available on these sites will enhance their learning.
Chess Club
1st and 3rd Mondays the Chess Club meets
2nd and 4th Mondays the Elementary Engineers will meet