We will spend this week reviewing previous SOL tests for the upcoming test next week. Today we will work on rulers. I am sending home the 2003 actual Math SOL test today. This is to be completed at home by Wednesday night and returned to school on Thursday. Please make sure your child has completed this practice test and it is in their backpack on Thursday morning. We will be going over the 2002 test in class on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday night I will be sending home another practice test for them to look over and circle the problems they feel like they do not know how to answer. On the SOL test, please stress the importance of working out the problems even if your child can do them in his/her head. It is very important to back up the answers with paper and pencil. This is not a timed test. Please stress the importance of taking his/her time and making sure he/she is circling the correct answers on the test and then transferring that answer correctly to the bubbled sheet. So many students will solve the problem correctly and then bubble in the wrong answer on the answer sheet because the answers look so much alike. Every child can pass this test if he/she takes his/her time.
Read the problem through and through,
Highlighting key words is what youll do.
Blink, blink, blink
Think, think, think
Paper and pencil is the next step,
Working the problem is your best bet.
Blink, blink, blink
Think, think, think
Compare your answers with choices given,
Making sure the answer isnt hidden.
Blink, blink, blink
Think, think, think
Circle the answer on the test,
Take a deep breath and then rest.
Blink, blink, blink
Think, think, think
If the answer you cant find,
Rework on paper and in your mind.
Blink, blink, blink
Think, think, think
Eliminate choices you know arent right,
Show those SOL people that you are bright.
Blink, blink, blink
Think, think, think
With all the problems, I have done my best,
Bubbling in the circles is all thats left.